Sunday, September 13, 2009

Today we gonna learn some common word in a restaurant.

お茶 - おちゃ  - tea ( green tea)
紅茶 - こうちゃ  - tea
お水 - おみず - plain water
お会計 - おかいけい - bill, please
ください        - please
eg: お会計ください - bill, please

コーヒ - coffee
2名 - にめい - 2 person
二人 - ふたり - 2 person
Normally when you enter a restaurant, the waiter will ask you.

Waiter: 何名さまですか? ー  なんめいさまですか - How many person?
You : 二人です。     - 2 person
Waiter: こちらへどうぞ。  - This way, please

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

おはようございます Good morning

こんにちは Good afternoon

こんばんは Good night

始めまして      はじめまして Nice to meet you

お元気ですか?    おげんきですか How are you?

よろしくお願いします   よろしくおねがいします Please teach me

久しぶり ひさしぶり Long time no see

Monday, May 11, 2009


Please leave your message in comment below for any suggestion or request (ex: common vocabulary for school, office, shop etc)

Japanese Vocabulary 2 - School

卒業 - そつぎょう - graduate
学生 - がくせい - student
先生 - せんせい - teacher
学校 - がっこう - school
勉強 - べんきょう - study/learn
本 - ほん - book
雑誌 - ざっし ー magazine
鉛筆 - えんぴつ - pencil
ペン - ぺん - pen
ホワイトボード - whiteboard
パソコン - personal computer
試験 - しけん - examination
紙 - かみ - paper
テスト - test

Monday, April 13, 2009

Japanese Vocabulary 1

食べます - たべます  eat
飲みます - のみます drink
歩きます - 歩きます walk
書きます - かきます  write
行きます - いきます   go
来ます  - きます  come
払います - はらいます  pay
話します - はなします  talk/speak
考えます - かんがえます   think
郵便局 - ゆうびんきょく post office
英語 - えいご English
学校 - がっこう school
コーヒ -こーひー coffee
私 - わたし I/Me

(I) drink coffee.

I walk to school.

(I) go to post office.

He talks in English.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Japanese Pod 101

Learn Japanese with

I've never write a review of any product before but this time I have to because this one is really good. It's Japanese Pod 101. It is a learning japanese program with many resources. What I like about this program is it's media resources. They have videos, mp3 and drama! They are all very interesting, unlike other program that just teach, teach and teach like in school! That's boring but Japanese Pod 101 is very amusing and fun. That's the key point in learning Japanese. It has to be fun. When it is fun you'll spend more time on it and makes you learn faster. Most of the staff are native Japanese. Pronounciation is important.

With all their resources available to download, you can put it in your ipod or iphone and listen or watch it anywhere. Eventhough I know most of what they are teaching, I watch their videos because it is fun!

I learned Japanese a few years ago. That time the internet was still new. I had trouble finding a good resources to learn. I didn't go to Japan to learn Japanese. I learned it in my country and then go to Japan. No Japanese friend or somebody to talk to in Japanese. I've passsed Level2 (2級日本語能力試験)Japanese Language Proficiency Test before going to Japan 10 years ago. (There are 4 level. Level 4 for beginners and Level 1 , you can be a Japanese language teacher) .

All I could find were Japanese-English dictionary (Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary), a few old magazine and translated manga or anime. The translated manga or anime won't help your Japanese language skill. You have to read or watch it in Japanese, without translation! It was tough. Nowadays, with internet technology, you can easily find Japanese videos and other resources online. Thus learning Japanese online is so much easier.
Just download the podcast and you can listen to Japanese 24/7! If that can't help you learn Japanese, I can't think of anything else.

What makes Japanese Pod 101 different than any other program?
They have so many resources and the lessons are easy to understand and FUN!
You can join them for FREE or if you want more lessons and resources, subscribe for US$4, US$10 or US$26 per month. It is worth it, trust me. Join now!
Btw, some of the youtube you find in this blog are from Japanese Pod 101.

They also have a forum where you can meet other friendly Japanese and Japanese language speakers. Ask anything about Japanese and they are more than happy to help you.
Click the banner below and join us!

Campaign 2 - Banner 1

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Latest update

I'm planning to bring this blog to a new level. More tutorial, more news and article related to Japan like food, anime, drama, movies and so on. But all this new feature will be on new domain, new server. I'm thinking about using wordpress. I will announce about the new website once it is setup and ready to publish.